?> Taranaki Property Investors' Association 2018 AGM :: Taranaki Property Investors' Association

Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Taranaki Property Investors' Association 2018 AGM

Jul 17, 2018 - 7.30pm

  St Mary's Peace Hall Lounge, 36 Vivian Street (opposite St Mary's Cathedral), New Plymouth

TPIA officers re-elected at the recent agm (from left) Secretary
Claire Anderson, President Lew Sarten, Treasurer Colin Comber.


TPIA ‘s bank balance best ever;

Sarten continues as President


   Lew Sarten was re-elected President of the Taranaki Property Investors Association at the annual general meeting on July 17.

   Treasurer Colin Comber presented the audited annual accounts and balance sheet for 2017-18, which showed an accumulated surplus of $57,393, due mainly to the profit made from hosting the 2016 national conference. He described the financial position as the association’s best ever.

   Sarten said in his annual report it had been a challenging 12 months for most residential property investors. “The ever-increasing regulation and the general political environment has had most investors asking ‘why do we do what we do?’

   “Those currently investing have had many things to contend with including loan to value ratios, debt to income restrictions, meth contamination, insulation, smoke detectors, the Residential Tenancies Act, the bright line test, housing warrants of fitness, capital gains tax, asbestos, damage, maintenance, repairs, property management, insurance and ring fencing to name a few with many things looming in the not too distant future. There has certainly been a lot to keep up with.

   “The TPIA has strived to provide an enjoyable and informative forum where like-minded people can remind themselves and each other of why we originally embarked on our property investment journeys. I personally encourage all current and aspiring investors to ‘keep your eye on the prize’.”

Monthly events

   The Executive had aimed to provide a variety of well-regarded speakers for the members meeting on the third Tuesday of each month.

   “We have endeavoured to organise speakers whose presentations have not only been relevant to our membership but current and motivational. Roughly half of our membership attended most meetings.

   “Memberships have remained steady at around the 55-60 for most of the year until recently where it has eased back to approximately 50. This may be due to contributing factors such as the election last year, the current regulatory environment and simply being the middle of winter. The Executive has no concerns and expects the membership numbers to regain strength closer to summer. The TPIA has generally had a strong membership retention rate in comparison to most other associations.”


   The TPIA has employed six methods of communicating with its members and the general public over the last 12 months.

  1. Emails
  2. Website
  3. Facebook
  4. Billboard on the corner of Gill and Hobson St.
  5. North Taranaki Midweek
  6. Property Press

   “We have endeavoured to produce communication in a timely manner across all these six areas.” Sarten said. “There has also been a focus on increasing our digital presence, this provides a great benefit to the association in the form of ‘marketing value’ that we can provide to sponsors. All communications have aided in the TPIA maintaining its brand and market awareness.

   “The TPIA has been well represented at the NZPIF communications meetings with two Executive members attending all meetings. These enable the flow of information between the National NZPIF committee and the associations and also between associations themselves. This year the NZPIF is trialling webinars.

Annual conference

   “The October 2017 NZPIF national conference was held in Napier at the convention centre on Marine Parade. The TPIA had a number of its members in attendance. With great speakers/sponsors/breakout sessions and social activities, this highlight of the NZPIF calendar year was enjoyed by all.”


   “As reported by Treasurer Colin Comber, the TPIA is in a heathy financial position. The efforts of the 2016 Conference organising committee set the 2017 TPIA committee and association with a solid foundation. The committee over the last 12 months has diligently managed the association’s current reserves; this will provide security for TPIA for some time to come.

TPIA Executive

   He thanked the Executive committee members for their contributions.

“Resourcing any committee is never without its challenges and the last 12 months have been no exception. The 2017 AGM saw 9 people elected to the committee in various roles: Vice President Stephanie Murray, Secretary Claire Anderson, Immediate past President & Treasurer Colin Comber, Committee Tony Johns, Angela Sefton, Richard Woodd, Jo Taylor (until August 2017), Natasha Viliamu (March 2018) and myself as president.

   “This was the first time that I have participated in an organisation in such a capacity; it has been an eye opener and a big learning curve but I have welcomed the challenge.

   “It was important to me that my time as President saw the association build on its previous successes. The association is in the best financial shape it’s even been in and it was important to me to keep it that way.”

Officers elected

All officers were re-elected unopposed. There were two additions to the committee: Nicki Smith and Mark Coates.

Membership fees

   The meeting amended the definition of ‘ordinary membership’ with the following wording: A membership may comprise up to two persons in a special relationship such as those legally married, in civil union or in a de facto relationship.

   A review of membership fees resulted in the ordinary subscription being reduced from $235 for a couple to $175, (singles as ordinary members remain at $175) with a discount to $149 for first-time new members.


Notice of Annual General Meeting

All members and interested persons are advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Taranaki Property Investors Association will be held on Tuesday, 17 July 2018 commencing at 7.30pm.

The AGM will be held at the St Mary’s Peace Hall, 36 Vivian St, New Plymouth

Business to be conducted at the meeting will include:

  • Receive Apologies
  • Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  • To receive and approve any correspondence
  • To receive the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report
  • To receive the President’s Annual Report
  • To consider any Notices of Motion
  • To approve Subscriptions for the ensuing year.
  • Election of Officers


Nominations for the Election of Officers can be forwarded to the Secretary, Taranaki Property Investors Association Inc, PO Box 94, New Plymouth on the attached nomination form. As an alternate to forwarding a signed original by ordinary post, a scanned original or a computer completed unsigned version of this form may be forwarded by email to The Secretary bva.claire@gmail.com . Nominations should be lodged with the Secretary by 5pm on Monday 16 July 2018.


Lew Sarten


26 June 2018







The Secretary

Taranaki Property Investors Association Inc

PO Box 94

New Plymouth



I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

(Print your name)


being a current financial member of the Taranaki Property Investors Assn Inc hereby


nominate: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

(Print their name)


being a current financial member of the Taranaki Property Investors Assn Inc for the position of: 


                President                                  Vice-President                           Secretary


   Treasurer                                         Executive Committee (5 positions).   


(Circle position/s to which nomination relates)


Signature of Nominator: _____________________________                                               



Date ______ / ______ / ______