Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Archive: 2020

Delay ring-fencing and save lives

Covid-19 relief package from the Government includes increasing the threshold from $500 to $5,000 which will determine which assets can be written off as expenses for the 2020/21 tax year.
01-04-2020 more >>

Rental increase freeze not a rent freeze

The NZ Property Investors’ Federation is concerned that many tenants have mistaken the Government announcement banning rent increases as a freeze on having to pay rent.
30-03-2020 more >>

Letter from the Hon Dr Megan Woods and a document of Q&A

This letter was written and circulated to all property stakeholders on March 27
28-03-2020 more >>

Taranaki Property Investors' Association Covid-19 Helpline

With the level 4 lockdown due to the Covid-19 epidemic, we are currently offering a Helpline to all of our Members where we welcome you to contact our President, experienced property investor, Richard Woodd about anything property or investment related.
27-03-2020 more >>

Covid-19 urgent legislation. This relates to rent freeze and tenancy changes

On Monday 23 March the Prime Minister announced that we will be freezing residential rent increases and providing greater protections for tenants against having their tenancies terminated.
26-03-2020 more >>

Housing should be considered an essential service

Sharon Cullwiick, NZPIF Executive Officer, says you would think that supplying a house for someone to occupy would be an essential service, but it would seem not.
26-03-2020 more >>

Information for members on Level 4 Covid-19

Sharon Cullwick, Executive Officer, and Peter Lewis, Acting President have written this letter to members.
24-03-2020 more >>

Letter from NZPIF Acting President and NZPIF Executive Officer to members

The measures that Government are taking to limit the effect of Covid-19 are going to have a variable effect on different business and employees. We must all do our best to support those who are wearing a higher burden in the fight against Covid-19. While residential rental property should not be directly affected as much as other industries, there will be job losses, reduced income from self-isolation and reduced work from decreased business activity.
24-03-2020 more >>

POSTPONED - TPIA March Monthly Meeting A Transformational Journey Through Property Investing

Postponed until further notice Join the Taranaki Property Investors Association for their regular monthly meeting where Guest Speaker Sieni Skelton-Richardson will talk about A Transformational Journey Through Property Investing. How she purchased 16 properties over 17 years and the challenges, successes and failures she encountered. Evening kindly sponsored by Murray Chong of Zenvest Adviser Services
17-03-2020 more >>

OCR reduced to 0.25%

The Official Cash Rate (OCR) is 0.25 percent, reduced from 1.0 percent, and will remain at this level for at least the next 12 months. The negative economic implications of the COVID-19 virus continue to rise warranting further monetary stimulus.
16-03-2020 more >>

Taranaki Property Investors' Association has postponed its planned March 17 meeting in New Plymouth

The Taranaki Property Investors’ Association has postponed its scheduled Tuesday evening [March 17] public meeting in New Plymouth due to the coronavirus risk. President Richard Woodd said the association had made the decision in the interests of the potential risk to the health of its members and guests.
16-03-2020 more >>

ASB Housing Confidence survey January 2020

Housing confidence is to be tested.
12-03-2020 more >>

Record rental prices

Rental price statistics for February 2020, just released, show an all-time highest average national rental price of $480 per week. This compares with $460 in February 2019 and $440 in February 2018.
11-03-2020 more >>

Two 2020 Awards now open for members

The two awards are Landlord of the Year sponsored by MBIE and NZPIF/Resene Renovation of the Award sponsored by Resene. These two Awards are now open and application forms can be found on www.nzpif/org/nz .
06-03-2020 more >>

Landlords - have you ever thought of yourself as a criminal?

"Landlords, do you realise that under the proposed changes outlined in the Residential Tenancy Amendment Bill, currently before the Social Services and Community Select Committee, you now have a much higher chance of being charged with criminal offences regarding your rental property?" asks Sharon Cullwick, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF)
05-03-2020 more >>

NZPIF continues campaign with a new Executive Officer

The NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) Executive Committee is very pleased to announce the appointment of Sharon Cullwick as the new NZPIF Executive Officer.
03-03-2020 more >>

Appointment of a new NZPIF Executive Officer

It is wonderful news that Sharon Cullwick, our NZPIF President, has been appointed to take over from me as NZPIF Executive Officer. For an industry as large and as important as ours, the Executive Officer role deserved to be more than a part time position and the NZPIF Executive is to be congratulated for making this happen.
03-03-2020 more >>

REINZ survey finds more than 80% of Kiwis disagree with ending the 90-day notice

More than 80% of New Zealanders disagree with ending the no-cause 90-day notice as outlined in the proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, according to a recent survey conducted by the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ).
02-03-2020 more >>

Submissions about the RTA changes now open until March 25 2020

Residential Tenancies Act Reform Team has sent out the information which follows about the progress of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. Submissions can now be sent in to the Social Services and Community Select Committee
26-02-2020 more >>

The story behind the rental price statistics for 2019

Rental price statistics for 2019 came out recently and were very interesting to go through. The median rent for all areas and all property sizes and types hit an all time high of $468 per week, which is 4% higher than December 2018.
21-02-2020 more >>

Insulation issues - the facts

The writer of the editorial (NZ Herald, February 7) says it is inexcusable that an increasing number of families have been living in substandard accommodation when the health and social effects of doing so are widely known. Andrew King, from the NZ Property Investors' Federation writes to correct some of the misconceptions in this editorial
18-02-2020 more >>

Reminder TPIA Monthly Meeting 18th February Members Night

Join the Taranaki Property Investors Association for their regular monthly meeting, to kick the new year off we have a members night. Come along and meet other members on their investing journey, we will be having discussions, break out groups and some Q&A time with the committee and other local seasoned investors. We also have a special guest, Ingrid Vercammen, successful businesswoman and now a motivational mentor and coach, who will facilitate a personal goal-setting session. Evening kindly sponsored by Mercury Solar
18-02-2020 more >>

Government Bill puts neighbours at risk

The Government has today released a new Bill aimed at improving the lives of tenants. “One aspect will only make it easier for antisocial tenants to ruin the lives of their neighbours. Another will allow tenants to decide if they will stay at a rental property even if the landlord wants to end the tenancy,” says Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF). “The NZPIF has joined forces with the REINZ in opposing these two aspects of the Bill.”
17-02-2020 more >>

REINZ and NZ Property Investors Federation join forces on proposed RTA changes

The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) and the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation have today announced that they are joining forces to challenge some of the proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) which were announced by the government at the end of 2019.
16-02-2020 more >>

Misguided attempts to improve the housing situation

Today there have been calls to rehash the capital gains tax argument and restrict the ability for rental property owners to borrow funds. These are misguided calls.
14-02-2020 more >>

Results: 51-75 of 78