Taranaki Property Investors' Association


From February 2021,

Handy  Hints have been called Monthly Updates


See the February 2021 Monthly Update here in which Sharon talks about the changes happening on February 11 and during 2021


See the March 2021 Monthly Update here in which Sharon talks about the Landlord of the Year and NZPIF//Resene Renovation of the Year and details of RTA changes now three weeks old.


May Monthly Update here in which Sharon talks about Tax Deductibility and Bright Line test changes.  This was initially a PIA Road Show  presentation and was updated 26th May 2020


Here is the July 2021 Monthly Update


Here is the August 2021 Monthly Update


Here is the September 2021 Monthly Update


Here is the October/November 2021 Monthly Update


Here is the February 2022 Monthly Update


Here is the March 2022 Monthly Update