Taranaki Property Investors' Association


The NZPIF Executive Committee has jointly written the following outline for guidance and support of PIAs around the country in this challenging time. These are recommendations only, and it is then up to each Association as to how much is adopted. Once, you as a PIA Executive, have made a decision, we suggest that you post on your website what the requirements for meeting attendance for your PIA are and that these are in line with the requirements of the Government's red traffic light setting.

NZPIF Recommended Covid Protection Policy

For the duration of the COVID-19 Protection Framework we will be required conduct our face-to-face meetings under restrictive parameters and access rules for in-person attendance.

Factors to consider are meeting room hire terms, Government guidance, recommended hygiene and health practices, and our public profile.

These suggestions are subject to changes to accommodate Government mandates and suggested best practice.

Currently under Red restrictions meetings can go ahead with and without My Vaccine Pass requirements, but with different restrictions for each. A maximum of 100 with vaccine pass requirements and 25 without.

Under Orange restrictions, with a vaccine pass requirement there is no limit to how many people can be at the venue and without such a requirement up to 50 people may attend.

When a Green level exists there is again no limit to the number where there is a vaccine pass requirement and up to 100 may attend without such a requirement.

It is important to note that the venue hirer may impose greater limitations than those legally required.

As such, we recommend that you consider the following guidelines and where necessary adapt them to your Association's needs:

Meetings under red

•           Meetings attracting fewer than 100 attendees can be held in person with vaccine passes provided you adhere to your venue limit restrictions.

•           Meetings are held exclusively online if more than 100 are likely to wish to attend

•           Livestream and replay links can be made available to your members by arrangement.

Meetings under orange

•           In-person attendance

•           Admission: Attendees must present a valid PIA membership card and My Vaccine Pass in the same name (and an additional photo ID if the names on the membership card and My Vaccine Pass do not match) and be asked to check in to the venue using the NZ COVID Tracer app.

•           My Vaccine Pass will be scanned for verification only, and no personal information that is collected as part of our scanning is retained after verification.

•           Request all guests to wear masks as much as possible throughout their visit.

•           Any function staff, contractors and speakers (who presents in-person) should possess a vaccine pass

•           Livestream and replay links can be made available to your members by arrangement.

Meetings under green

•           In-person attendance

•           To gain admission, all attendees must present a valid PIA membership card and My Vaccine Pass in the same name (and an additional photo ID if the names on the membership card and My Vaccine Pass do not match) and be asked to check in to the venue using the NZ COVID Tracer app.

•           My Vaccine Pass will be scanned for verification only, and no personal information that is collected as part of our scanning is retained after verification.

•           Request all guests to wear masks as much as possible throughout their visit.

•           Light refreshments can be served.

•           All function staff, contractors and speakers (who presents in-person) should possess a vaccine pass

•           Livestream and replay links can be made available to your members by arrangement.

There may be individuals with your membership who may have strong feelings about these Covid precautions. Do not attack or demonize them for this. Be clear that your Association needs to follow the dictates of both the Government and the venue and that these requirements are not negotiable.

You may find some members become angry, or may even decide to resign their membership. There is little that you can do to prevent this, so do not become dispirited or upset should this occur. Seek help from other members of someone on the Federation Executive should you need support.