Taranaki Property Investors' Association


Register for TPIA August Monthly Meeting: Adding Value with Renovations, hot tips from the experts

The Taranaki Property Investors Association's August meeting is Adding Value with Renovation, hot tips from the experts. Our stellar lineup has headline presenter Heather Black from the Manawatu PIA. Heather is a passionate 'buy and hold' investor with a sizeable portfolio of houses in the Manawatu. Supporting her is Ilse Wolfe, a NP-born property and renovation consultant from OPES Partners NZ Ltd and the Property Academy Podcast. Finally prominent heating and air-conditioning contractor Jason Holdt, owner of Heat Cool Taranaki, has a special deal for our audience!
  Option Joining Fee Annual Fee
Attending Per Person Total
1 person 2 people
Monthly Meeting Non-Member Ticket 20
One ticket costs $20 and allows entry for one person upon bringing the receipt emailed to you, to the meeting and presenting at the door. (Screenshot on your phone is fine).