2010 Landlord of the year - Nancy CaigerNancy Caiger, guest speaker at the Taranaki Property Investors monthly public meeting on Tuesday April 15, owns 24 residential properties, some of them in the USA. She grew up in Singapore and after university began a career in financial markets (foreign exchange, money and bonds) in Singapore and then London. She came to NZ in 1993. “My late husband had cancer and we wanted a less hectic lifestyle. We had been here on holiday and we really liked it. “We had been involved in financial markets and did not originally intend to invest in real estate but we found the tenancy laws here were very conducive to investment. “I started off self-managing, I got my hands dirty painting, cleaning, washing, repairs, sacking tenants, going to tribunal hearings, all of that. “I am always looking for opportunities. “The biggest challenge for a landlord I think is setting your goals, deciding what you want, what you wish to achieve and if you get that right everything will fall into place.†USA investment : “After the global financial crisis and crash in the US property market the opportunities looked very good, with properties selling well below replacement value, and that’s why I started there. “Would I do anything differently with 20/20 hindsight vision? I would have started earlier on the American journey and with more time I may have chosen different centres. There are 50 states and you can’t have a scattergun approach. It also depends on the type of managers you have, some are more hands-on than others. But it’s really no different in terms of distance, to investing in say Invercargill. The issues are the same, except flight time and cost.†Why should people come to hear you? “Well I have really strong property investment experience, I have been successful and what I have achieved speaks for itself. I have spoken to many investor groups over the past year and have had very good feedback.†Nancy Caiger lives in Hamilton and is President of the Waikato PIA. She was the NZ Property Investors Federation Landlord of the Year in 2010. She speaks at St Mary’s Peace Hall, Vivian St, NP, starting 7.30 pm. $20 door charge for non-members. Bring the form from this newsletter, get it signed by a TPIA member and your entry is free. Derek McInnes of Taranaki Competitive Homes is the evening sponsor and warm-up speaker.15-04-2014 more >>