Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Archive: September 2023

New research confirms NZPIF call for ability to have long term tenancy option

New research from Motu found that the level of well being of a tenant related to the length of time the tenant had been in one tenancy. The NZPIF has been advocating for the ability to provide this since February 2022
29-09-2023 more >>

Forget the sterotype of the "typical landlord"

In this article Miriam Bell describes the experience of Cat Slater who only owns two rentals both in Auckland purchased to fund her retirement.
29-09-2023 more >>

Who pays the tax. An opinion piece by Peter Lewis

There is much misunderstanding around the deductibility of mortgage interest for tax purposes relating to residential investment property.
24-09-2023 more >>

TPIA 19th September Monthly Meeting: Commercial Property with Kevin Hight and Investor Story from Keith Wills

We are excited to have our past president, Keith Wills sharing his investing journey from Residential to Commercial, where he first ventured into a syndicate investment in the 1990s till today. We are also joined by evening sponsor, Kevin Hight from McDonald Real Estate to give us a commercial update.
19-09-2023 more >>

How the next Government can help tenants

We hear many ways each political party talk about the housing crisis, and their solutions to fix this. Adding a new tax to rental property provider and adding more RTA rules to make it harder to supply is obviously not the answer.
13-09-2023 more >>

The ethics of property investment

The first consideration is to acknowledge that private investors play the highest and most valuable role in the New Zealand housing system. They provide over 85% of rental housing compared with the less than 15% provided by state owned housing.  The Government sector have shown that they are not capable of supplying the housing needs of the nation. Therefore any discussions around the Government or local bodies providing more housing are unrealistic, so the system remains a public private partnership. 
10-09-2023 more >>

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