Robyn Green started in property management in 1990. She ran a portfolio, owned 100% by John Green. This comprised 27 flats in 6 houses converted for multi-tenancy use plus a purpose-built block of 7 flats, all located in the Wellington area.
Robyn bought a 50% share of the portfolio in 1991; Robyn and her husband, John, still own 4 of the original portfolio.
As the years have passed greater emphasis has been put on commercial and industrial properties. Robyn and John branched into commercial property ownership in 2005 when they purchased a multi-story commercial building in central Wellington. Currently their portfolio comprises some fourteen properties ranging from single story residential to commercial and industrial including multi-storey (8 and 9 storey) buildings in central Wellington.
The portfolio is managed through their private company, Green Newman Holdings. John (Managing Director), Robyn (CEO) are assisted by an Executive Office (Finance), a Residential Property Manager and Facilities Manager.
Robyn joined the committee of Wellington Property Investors Assn in 1990. She was Vice president from 1996 until 2008.
Robyn spoke at the NZPIF Conference in 2013 and the delegates found her to be very inspiring. Now you have the opportunity to hear her speak about her property investing journey right here in New Plymouth.
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St Mary's Peace Hall Lounge, 36 Vivian Street (opposite St Mary's Cathedral), New Plymouth at 7.30 pm and conclude at 9.30 pm with Tea, Coffee and a chat. Non members $20. All welcome.