Monica's Eatery
Corner of King St & Queen St, New Plymouth
9th December 2016
Starting 6.30pm for drinks & nibbles.
7.00pm Meal
All TPIA members and their partners.
Set Dinner Menu
There will be complimentary table wine & a cash bar available.
$50.00 per person
Because it is always a good night!
Everyone needs to bring a wrapped $5 Secret Santa gift - property investment themed.
Like the look of someone else's unwrapped gift? - there may be a twist.
Also, test your knowledge with our quiz, start carefully constructing you team!
Please pre-register AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by making a direct debt payment of $50 to:
Taranaki Property Investors' Association account: TSB 15-3957-0576640-00
Please make payment and confirm you attendance via email by the 2nd December.
Use your name and 'Xmas' as reference.
Please email Jayne to confirm your registration & payment.
Direct any questions to Jayne via email.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
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