Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Guest Speaker Taranaki Pine CEO Tom Boon Sponsored by Karen Venables Legal Solutions

TPIA keynote speaker for May 21: Tom Boon, CEO of Taranakipine 


Taranakipine: where it’s from and where it’s heading today 

Tom Boon, chief executive at Taranakipine Ltd, is the keynote speaker at the TPIA’s monthly gig on Tuesday May 21. 

Taranakipine is one of this region’s most successful and innovative businesses and has long-standing connections with the building, construction and property investment sectors through its products. This is a rare opportunity for anyone to hear Tom talk publicly about where Taranakipine came from and where it’s going. 

Tom Boon has been a part of the New Zealand forest industry for over 25 years.  He joined Taranakipine in 2007 as CEO and part owner after a long career within corporate forestry and wood processing companies in both NZ and Australia.   

Originally staring his career as a forester, Tom after a few years became interested in the conversion of the trees he was growing into high value finished wood products.  This interest has not waned and Tom now leads Taranakipine which specialises in the manufacturing and marketing of engineered pine building products sold to both local and export markets.   

His ambition for a successful and durable NZ wood manufacturing industry has led him to also become actively involved in the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association.  

Evening sponsored by    

Legal Solutions Ltd will sponsor the evening. Founder and co-owner Karen Venables will give a presentation about the rapidly growing law business she owns with Cara Gelston. Together they employ a team of 12 staff collectively specialising in rural, property, family and business law. 

Karen is a highly knowledgeable, quick-witted and personable lawyer. She believes in putting people first. Karen founded Legal Solutions to ensure a truly customer-focussed and modern experience for her clients. She is experienced in understanding the legal challenges that business owners face, and is passionate about empowering business owners to be great leaders. Karen is an enthusiastic alumnus of the Global Women Breakthrough Leaders Programme. 

She is actively involved in the community, including as a trustee of the Mellowpuff Charitable Trust. She assists Fitzroy Surf Club and various not-for-profits with their legal work where she can. 

Outside of work, Karen enjoys spending time with her partner Tom and their young children, Emilee and Samuel. She also enjoys hitting the beach, swimming, trekking and spending time with good friends. 

Venue: St Mary’s Peace Hall, 7.30 pm, Tuesday May 21. TPIA members no charge; $20 for non-members (or clip our public notice ad in next week’s NT Midweek and get in free!). 

Note: We need sponsors for these popular monthly events, to cover our costs as we are a non-profit organisation. If you are interested promoting your business through such sponsorship, please contact any of the following: Lew Sarten 027 373 8057; Stephanie Murray 0800 330 022; Richard Woodd 022 6583 798, Colin Comber 027 249 2864 

