Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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MBIE Renting and You Seminar

Registrations are now open for the 2019 MBIE Renting and You seminar in New Plymouth on 18 September.  50 seats have been reserved for the members of Taranaki PIA.  The seminar will be held at the Devon Hotel in New Plymouth.

Aim of the seminar.

The aim of the seminar is to inform and educate landlords, renters, property managers and community groups about the healthy homes standards and changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. A video interview of Leilani Driessen, 2018 Landlord of the Year, will also be shown.

Topics include:

· Information on the Healthy Homes Standards requirements (eg Heating, Insulation, Ventilation, Moisture and Drainage, and Draught stopping).

· What you need to know to ensure your property or tenancy is compliant with the standards

· Other upcoming changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.

The seminar will be approximately ninety minutes – a one hour presentation followed by a Q&A session. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Please note one registration is for one person only. To confirm reserved seats at the seminars, please register each person soon.


Instructions to register are as follows:

· Please go to the events page on www.tenancy.govt.nz and click to register for the New Plymouth seminar.· This will take you to the Eventbrite platform to register your details.

· First to access a reserved seat, you will need to click on the words promotional code on the top right corner of the screen and enter the following code: Eventcode1.  Then you will be able to continue on and enter your details

· Please bring your own device if you wish to ask a question as these are submitted through an online application. Free wifi will be provided at venues. If you do not have a device please talk to the team on the night. We ask that if you are unable to attend for whatever reason, please let us know so we can offer your place to someone else.

For more information head to the events page on tenancy.govt.nz, and please email events@tenancy.govt.nz if you have any further questions on the reserved seating.

Tags: mbie seminar