Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Free public webinar on version 2 of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill with Auckland Property Investors Association

Peter Lewis, APIA

Right now is our last chance to have any input into the political arena about the Residential Tenancy Act amendments. It is vital that as many people as possible are aware of the impact of these changes, and make their views known to their political representatives


At 7:30pm, Thursday 16th July, Auckland PIA will be hosting a free public webinar on version 2 of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill where they will be covering the good, the bad and the downright alarming. They've made this session free for anyone to dial into via the link below:


Please help us get the word out by sharing the registration link with your network and friends.


A reminder that Parliament next meets on the 21st of July which means we have at least until then to lobby our MPs to vote against 218-1. Don't squander the last chance we have to make sure this bill does not become law. Email and phone your MP today.


Peter Lewis (on behalf of Auckland PIA)

Vice-President & Northern Area Representative

NZ Property Investors Association


Tags: webinar - free - apia