Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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TPIA July Monthly Meeting: This is what I did; Investor experiences and insights

Topic: This is what I did; investor experiences and insights

That’s the theme of the Taranaki Property investors Association’s next public event.

Join us for a unique evening, where selected property investors share their own experiences and insights.

We have a number of key members lined up to reveal how they got started, what they achieved, what they learned, what went wrong, and how they see the future.

If you’re yet to take your first step, or are already involved in property investment, residential or commercial, don’t miss this inter-active session in an informal setting with like-minded people.

Dont forget: Become a member before 1st August for $149 and beat the price rise!


enlightenedVENUE: Plymouth International Hotel, Blenheim Room, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm


  • Non-members $20 - registration and prepyment online through the TPIA website is essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees.  
  • Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.

Been to a meeting and want to become a member to attend more? Only $149 per couple for your first year. Check out the benefits and join at https://taranaki.nzpif.org.nz/registrations/join or email taranaki@nzpif.org.nz for more information.

Become a member before 1st August and beat the price rise!

Come along, be informed, network, or find out about the TPIA

Tuesday 20th July, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm.

New Plymouth International Hotel, 220 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth

Door Charge: Non-members $20 - registration and prepyment essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees. Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.