Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Archive: 2021

TPIA November Monthly Meeting: Thinking of Building?

Thinking about Building is Taranaki Property Investors Association's November Monthly Meeting. Come along and learn about “Building New” from experts in the building, banking, and accounting fields. GJ Gardner Homes, VanBurWray Accountants and Stephanie Murray Mortgages will speak and answer your questions. Definitely a not to miss evening!
16-11-2021 more >>

TPIA October Monthly Meeting: Sometimes Landlords just have to take it on the chin!

The Taranaki Property Investors Association's October Monthly Meeting topic is: Sometimes Landlords just have to take it on the chin! Kerry Beveridge, our guest speaker has had his moments as a landlord. Investing since 2007, Chairperson of South Canterbury PIA, and the NZPIF executive since 2018. Our sponsors for the evening are Geeks on Wheels and Primo Broadband. Find us on FaceBook or www.taranaki.nzpif.org.nz for more info!
19-10-2021 more >>

TPIA September Virtual Monthly Meeting: Survive or thrive, should you buy, sell or hold?

The Taranaki Property Investors Association is hosting a free zoom event in lieu of our public meeting during the current Covid-19 alert level. Residential real estate investment has had a kick in the guts - is it still worth a punt? Our expert panel comprising a mortgage broker, an accountant and two leading real estate agents, will consider this and other related matters with prompts from the audience.
21-09-2021 more >>

TPIA August Monthly Meeting: Adding Value with Renovations, hot tips from the experts

The Taranaki Property Investors Association's August meeting is Adding Value with Renovation, hot tips from the experts. Our stellar lineup has headline presenter Heather Black from the Manawatu PIA. Heather is a passionate 'buy and hold' investor with a sizeable portfolio of houses in the Manawatu. Supporting her is Ilse Wolfe, a NP-born property and renovation consultant from OPES Partners NZ Ltd and the Property Academy Podcast. Finally prominent heating and air-conditioning contractor Jason Holdt, owner of Heat Cool Taranaki, has a special deal for our audience!
17-08-2021 more >>

TPIA at the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce 2021 Business Showcase

Visit the TPIA at the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce 2021 Business Showcase
10-08-2021 more >>

TPIA July Monthly Meeting: This is what I did; Investor experiences and insights

The Taranaki Property Investors Association is hosting a unique evening, where selected property investors share their own experiences and insights.
20-07-2021 more >>

Taranaki Property Investors' Association 2021 AGM

The Taranaki Property Investors' Association welcome members and friends tp join us for our Annual General Meeting. Our guest speaker is the NZPIF's own Executive Officer Sharon Cullwick; definitely not someone to miss, you will want to hear the latest from the Federation and enjoy some Q&A.
15-06-2021 more >>

Calling all landlords, are you compliant?

The Taranaki Property Investors Association is hosting an information and discussion evening on Tuesday 18th May covering Compliance, Healthy Homes and Documentation. The presentation will be by our executive member Nicki Smith, an experienced landlord, who has an excellent understanding of the new requirements. Come prepared to take notes. evening kindly sponsored by Graham Wells from Wee Jobs.
18-05-2021 more >>

What is the future for private rental housing in Aotearoa-New Zealand?

The Taranaki Property Investors Association is convening an expert panel on Tuesday 20th April, to share their insights into how the market has already reacted following the 23rd March announcements and to explore, with your participation, what the future may hold for the sector as an investment option. Evening kindly sponsored by Programmed Property Services
20-04-2021 more >>

A summary of the Government's March 23 announcement of changes

The Government made an announcement of changes relating to property investors which will take effect from Saturday 27 of March. Here is a summary of changes and links to fact sheets about each change.
24-03-2021 more >>

New Plymouth District Council - A closer look at the 10 year district plan

Join the Taranaki Property Investors Association for their regular monthly meeting where we will hear from the NPDC about the 10 year district plan. Evening kindly sponsored by DVS Taranaki
16-03-2021 more >>

Better late than never to meet NZPIF's top Landlord

Join the Taranaki Property Investors Association for their regular monthly meeting where we are very excited to have Richard Kelly; half of the Taranaki husband and wife duo who took out the NZPIF Landlord of the Year 2019! Delayed due to Covid-19, we're very excited to finally hear about their journey so far; paying off their personal mortgage, owning multiple investment properties and on track to retire at 50! Evening kindly sponsored by Karen Venables, owner of Legal Solutions Ltd.
16-02-2021 more >>

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